Welcome to the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry!
Here you will find more information about our faculty, residency program, medical student clerkships, and our involvement in the community. The TTUHSC Department of Psychiatry is dedicated to the TTUHSC mission to enrich the lives of others by educating students to become collaborative health care professionals, providing excellent patient care, and advancing knowledge through innovative research. TTUHSC School of Medicine is a community based medical school in that we collaborate with community hospitals as training sites instead of owning our own. This allows us to provide a varied training experience for our residents and medical students and for faculty to fulfill their unique interests in the practice and science of psychiatry. We have the added opportunity of collaborating with the many Texas Tech University graduate schools and with the Texas Tech University School of Law as we are all co-located on the same large academic campus.
TTUHSC embraces a Values Based Culture instilling in each member the values: BEYOND SERVICE, ONE TEAM, INTEGRITY, KIND HEART, and VISION for the future. Dean Berk and Chancellor Mitchell are fully committed to this culture and provide a level of support and engagement for faculty, residents, staff and medical students that makes working at TTUSHC a true privilege and joy.
We look forward to the opportunity to answer any questions you may have, and we hope you consider joining our team and our mission to improve care for patients in West Texas and beyond.

Sarah Mallard Wakefield, MD
Associate Professor and Chair
If you are now, or find yourself, having significant distress, I would encourage you to seek support.
Click here for Zoom Instructions for Patients.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call or text 988
If you are in crisis and one of the following applies to you:
- You feel you are in immediate danger of harming yourself.
- You feel you are in immediate danger of harming someone else.
- You have recently been assaulted or had a traumatic experience.
Please do one of the following:
- Call 911 – you will be connected with the police who can help you get emergency services.
- Call the StarCare Crisis Team 806.740.1414.
- Go to your local emergency room.
The Texas Suicide Prevention Collaborative (TxSPC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting Texas communities in their efforts to build suicide prevention capacity. We do this by promoting the use of evidence-based best practices that encourage the public health approach to suicide prevention. To view more available crisis lines click here.
Community Partners
UMC Lubbock
Covenant Children's Hospital
Larry Combest Community Health and Wellness Center
TDCJ- John Montford Unit
Contact Us
We're here to help. Contact us if you have questions.