OurHSC: Together

OurHSC is a community that gives back.
As a part of our health care team, you are important in the TTUHSC mission of advancing health care to our communities. Now, you have the opportunity to better the community that immediately surrounds you with two ways to give.
Collaborate with Others
You can give to any fund that TTUHSC offers such as research, education, or patient
care. Find one that resonates with you and begin to make a greater impact right where
you’re at by supporting existing programs.
OurHSC Campus Funds
Explore giving to the employee-funded and employee-administered funds of OurHSC. You
can address the needs of your own campus and directly impact your workplace in a positive
way. This is an exciting way to show pride in our university and the great work that
is done here. LEARN MORE
We are OurHSC
The TTUHSC family are advocates for our university and communities, champions of care in the roles we serve. And, our community helps each other.
Erica Arriaga
Gives to - TTUHSC Employee Campaign Fund, OurHSC Lubbock
“Honestly, I feel like participating in this program gives me the opportunity to show
appreciation for my campus. Even though my contribution is small I feel included in
the big picture of our purpose.”
Karla Chapman
Gives to - Future of Nursing Scholarship Endowment
“As an undergraduate student, I received scholarships which made it possible for me
to achieve my educational dream. The dollars from donors whom I never met were life-changing.
Now, I am in a position to be one of those donors for TTUHSC nursing students, and
I know what a difference it makes in their lives… I am proud to support each year
in this manner.”
Sherry Sancibrian
Gives to - Sancibrian Family Pediatric Endowment
“I see supporting student scholarships as an investment in the future of my profession and a way to give back to the institution that has offered me such a rewarding career. And to ensure that our TTUHSC Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic can continue to address the unmet needs of children in our community with communication disorders, we’ve recently established the Sancibrian Family Pediatric Endowment.”
Contact Us
For additional information, please contact Emmy Hernandez.