TTUHSC Amarillo Research Symposium - 2024
Amarillo Research Symposium
Thank you to all of our participants, attendees and volunteers for making our inaugural Symposium a huge success!
For a list of overall winners and participants, click here.
Presentation abstracts can be found here.
- What: Inaugural TTUHSC & TTU Amarillo Research Symposium
- When: Friday April 19 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Where: Texas Tech University School of Veterinary Medicine, 7671 Evans Drive
- Participating Schools: TTU School of Veterinary Medicine and TTUHSC School of Medicine, Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy, School of Nursing & School of Health Professions
- The Symposium will highlight the research accomplishments of students and faculty in their respective field of study with poster and oral presentations in morning and afternoon sessions
- Keynote lunch speaker: TTUHSC School of Nursing Dean, Holly Wei, Ph.D. - A Unified Odyssey to Promote Healthcare Interprofessional Well-being
Dr. Holly Wei is the Dean and Professor at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing. She earned her PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on healthcare organizational culture, leadership development, clinician well-being, interprofessional collaboration, and health promotion across the lifespan.
Dr. Wei has published over 80 professional publications and delivered about 100 invited and peer-reviewed presentations, influencing nurses globally. Dr. Wei is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN).
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Elizabeth Tilley