Research within Schools

Delivering Innovative Solutions for the Future
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) is recognized as one of the leading research universities in Texas. TTUHSC connects research, education, patient care and outreach in bold, innovative ways. Basic scientists and clinical researchers from all disciplines work together to deliver innovative solutions that create the best hope for a healthier future.
Since its inception, the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Amarillo has seen dramatic increases in extramural funding, with a 64 percent increase in the past decade. In the past two years, cancer and blood-brain barrier researchers have received around 30 new and continuing extramural grant awards and received $4.6 million for research in fiscal year 2017.
This success is one of the reasons that the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) consistently ranks TTUHSC Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy in the top half of U.S. Pharmacy schools in extramural research awards.
The researchers at SOP frequently publish their findings in high-impact research journals like Nature Communications, JNCI, Oncogene, Cancer Research, JBC etc. and are highly sought speakers at national and international conferences. They also serve at NIH and Department of Defense study sections.
Promoting Patient-Orientated Research is one of the driving factors of the TTUHSC Clinical Research Institute. The Institute was established in October 2010 with the assigned mission to facilitate the conduct of clinical research by TTUHSC faculty.
Our vision is to improve the quality of health care in Texas through clinical, epidemiologic, and educational research activities; provide formalized clinical research education; promote studies involving multi-school interactivity; and obtain epidemiologic information critical to understanding health problems in our region.
Research at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at the Permian Basin includes translational and basic science, clinical, and global and rural health research.
The main areas of research are colorectal and cervical cancer, fetal programming of adult diseases, placental physiology, pregnancy-related maternal cardiovascular adaptation, lactobacilli physiology and microbiology, and treatment of depression.
Some of the unique tools used are Raman spectral analyzer, placental ex vivo perfusion, brain stimulation and biofilm composition, and 3D printing.
Researchers at TTUHSC at the Permian Basin are assisted in their efforts by the Research Advisory Committee.
Also, each year, research done by students and residents is showcased at the Permian Basin Research Forum in collaboration with the University of Texas at the Permian Basin, Odessa College, Midland Colleges, and Ector County Independent School District.