RN to BSN | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
A nurse in a hospital setting is holding an IV bag, providing care and support to a patient in need.

RN to BSN Program Overview

Professional nursing for the individual, the family and community holds complex challenges in the ever-changing health care arena. The School of Nursing offers an exciting RN to BSN degree program to help you meet these challenges, fulfilling your potential as a nurse. Registered nurses can find the flexibility and timeline they need with this program, since the courses are accessible on the web. Our online RN to BSN program means you have access to academic education at work or at home, wherever or whenever you want to study. Our faculty are ready to build on your experience by examining new trends and theories, exploring critical issues, emphasizing applicable professional nursing practices and incorporating concepts of holistic care.

Admission Requirements



Although the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) is part of the Texas Tech University System, legally it is a separate institution from Texas Tech University. Therefore, students applying to the TTUHSC School of Nursing RN-BSN program must apply directly to the School of Nursing via the TTUHSC online application.

All application fees and placement fees/enrollment deposits are non-refundable.  Please be sure you are applying for the correct term/program before submitting your application.

Application Portal



NLN Center of Excellence in Nursing Education

The National League for Nursing has selected the TTUHSC School of Nursing as a Center of Excellence in Nursing Education.

CCNE Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education

The baccalaureate degree program/master's degree program in nursing/Doctor of Nursing Practice program and/or post-graduate APRN certificate program at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org).


Concurrent Enrollment Programs


View the minimum computer system requirements for this program


In the news

TTUHSC grad surprised by dad who has been deployed in Puerto Ricooyed-in-puerto-rico


